Bana Kuma Wisdom


The Water Tribe

Emotion | Art | Compassion | Healing | Peace | Receptivity | Cleansing | Intuition

Feeling. Music. Femininity. Humbleness. Aesthetic. Gentleness. Nurturing. Softness. Allowance to be transformed. Passivity. Clearing. Calming. Soothing. Non aggressive, soft strength. Love of one another. Unity. Simplicity. Calm.

Water is associated with all the organs that receive; mostly those located below the solar plexus excluding the lungs. Just like fire, water gives life to the rest of your planet. Her role cannot be diminished although it may have been compromised in the past Fire age. You may now see the results of that imbalance and you certainly will see it if you choose not to bring things into equilibrium. Your world will not be able to exist without the proper reverence given to the water element and all that it represents.

As it is Air’s job to generate an idea and Fire’s job to generate the energy of that idea, it is Water’s job to feel that idea. In this ‘feeling’, the Fire is brought into balance or is calmed. The resulting manifestation is one that serves the greater balance and harmony of all things. If the Water process is skipped, scorching may likely be the result. Your past into your present may be seen as the scorching effects of the Fire element that was not quelled, refined and passed through the Water element.


It is not what Water wishes to deprive Fire of its passion. On the contrary, the Water element, at its best, is a lover of passion and knows Fire’s heat must be there for life to exist. Water in excess is not the answer either. Water’s job is only to transform the passion into a nurturing flame and not a searing blast. When thoughts go from Air to Fire and straight into physical manifestation (Earth), you are likely to have some very dangerous manifestations. The Water part of the Bana Kuma process creates beauty, health, harmony, grace and peace. Greed is tempered. Power is quelled. The whole is looked at. Rashness is cooled. Fear is nurtured into wellbeing. It is Water that can best transform the transformer (Fire).

Many who have recognized the imbalance of Fire have possibly gone too far on the other side of the spectrum in which Water became dominant over the Fire element. Things of this nature can become flaccid, weak and without passion or excitement. It is not our suggestion that you try to create a Water force that quells the Fire; instead that you become living examples of the Fire and Water in balance.

Those of the Fire will have an intrinsic dislike for things that are not balanced with the Fire element and they will be correct in feeling this way. Two wrongs don’t make a right; or should we say, two imbalances do not create balance. The two must be combined in a balanced way to demonstrate an example of how the two elements can coexist together.

From one perspective, we see much of your Water organizations ore movements that stand against the injustices of the Fire on Earth as lacking the Fire element. The “hippie movement” of the sixties and the “new age movement” of today is filled with many aspects that are Water dominant. When the word “love’ is mentioned in these contexts it is often done so with a very over-Watery sentiment and the word itself loses its power and energy force. An organization or movement with an imbalance of Water will not have the proper force to change the world; this is why we emphasize the balance between the two always.

 Water is the feminine. It is the all-important filter of the Fire energy. It is the purifier of Fire energy. Just as water cleans you and things that you wash it with, it cleans ideas and their Fire energy. It does not put the fire out! Hence the symbol of the fire still existing in the water. Water tempers the flames of passion so that they serve the balance and the harmony; not singe all they touch.

Ancient philosophy was literally seen as the art of taking ideas and/or intentions and working them through morals (Water). Water does not allow the Earth to be scorched if it is used in a balanced way. By the Water element, one could know if an idea and action is right or wrong. When things go wrong it is because people do not intuit with their Water element.

Water, as a pure element, will not lie. It is a good monitor of truth and what the result of an action will be. You will be able to feel the outcome of a certain thought or idea before it becomes manifested in action. Let your ideas be passed through your Water first. Listen to a beautiful piece of music while you decide to do something of importance. You will know if it is right or wrong for you and if it helps or hurts others. Your Water element, in the process of Bana Kuma, does not over intellectualize ideas and justify the bad ones. It simply is and will tell you what an idea is. The Air and Fire, left to their own devices, can justify any action with enough manipulation. Not water. She tells it as it is.

Water in its positive state is sensitive, flowing and adaptable. In its negative state it can be fearful, constricting and easily tainted.


Listen / Feel

Definition: Listen & Receive Hiamatwehaum

Element: Water

Balancing Element: Air

Gender: Female

Power: Depth of Understanding & Feeling

Environment: High Elevation | Still Water

Dress: Unkept | Not of Concern

Colors: Light Blue | Aqua Green | Clear

Month: February

Piwanikkah: Bowl with Small Spout | Shield with Sharpened Edges

Kayulah: Owl

Kiniwah: SahiSah


Character Description

Hinimawe’s character would be very sensitive. Listening to all sounds, all vibrations. Hinimawe would be female in gender. Beautiful but unkept due to the attention that is put on being sensitive to the outside environment rather than the narcissism of the self. Hinimawe sees the body as a receiver, Sah U Le, and not as a separate ego. It is just there to receive and emit, and Hinimawe is the very thing that governs receive and emit game or Sah U Le. Big ears, eyes and nose. Small mouth. Not a big talker, Hinimawe. Something cold or that resembles cold. Cold brings stillness and stillness is the best place to practice hinimawe from. Imagine a snow-covered field and a frozen lake at dawn with no wind. That is a perfect setting for Hinimawe. Sensitive and modest. Not flashy at all. You will see that the Fire signs are very flashy but not the Water. Water receives, Fire emits. Cold, but warm inside. Loving because when one listens one hears Sah in the end. Very peaceful. Gentle. Caring. An unsung hero. Hinimawe is the patroness of mediation and other art forms that calm the mind. She holds a bowl and a shield but nothing to be aggressive with. She likes to be alone. Her garments are light and free but modest. She is not a show off but observant of all things. Very deep. The owl is her kayulah; an example of her awareness.



Fire Imbalance: Chattering mind. Inability to listen to others when they speak. Hard time getting along with others. Restlessness. Eating disorders or searching for fulfillment due to not receiving or being able to receive. Loss of interest in things. Words lose power or emotion. Insincerity and false actions that do not come from a genuine place. Talkative but saying nothing. Languishing and lonely even when others are around.

Water Imbalance: Excessively introverted. Sly and secretive. Hiding. Paranoid thoughts. Covering things up. If not mixed with a certain amount of silence and peace. Out of balance can cause an inward swirling of negative thought. Stagnation. Non-action. Not able to manifest or complete Bana Kuma.

Fire in Water (Balanced): Sensitive to surroundings and others around you, but able to decipher between their feelings and your own. Happiness and enjoyment of things around you and others. Meaningful words and actions. Wonderful ability at manifesting and putting things out into the world (hiamatwehaum). Very attractive to others. At calm and at peace. Exceptional ability to learn and to take on new pathways neurologically and physically. Enough cannot be said about the positive benefits of a balanced hinimawe charge.

Sah U Le

Receive & Emit Sah 

Definition: Receive & Emit Sah

Element: Water

Balancing Element: Fire

Gender: Female

Power: Power of from All Elements | Mother of All

Environment: Sea

Dress: All the colors of the sea

Colors: Extravagant | Beautiful | Sensual | Lover of Adornments

Month: March

Piwanikkah: Trident

Kayulah: Dolphins and Whales (cetaceans)

Kiniwah: Kiyah


Character Description

Sah U Le is the patroness of mediums and artists; of wine and other alcohol or substances like marijuana. Beauty, charism, charm. Lover of the arts and philosophies around the arts. Lover of sex and sexuality. Patroness of singers and musicians and poets. Controlled by emotion rather than logic. Sah U Le is more emotional and expressive. She is a channel. Things move through her and out of her. She has a wand that she can do magic with. There is a special stone on the end of that wand. She is the master musician, the singer, the songstress, the one who expresses all she receives. Hinimawe is her teacher who helps her to decide what she listens to. When she listens to harmonious things her emissions are harmonious. If she listens to kikakwa (disharmony or imbalance) then her emissions are just that. She wears a beautiful crown and looks extravagant. She loves beauty and she can be self-absorbed. She feels so seen as selfish but it is just due to the fact that the vibrations run so strong through her that it is all that she can feel. She loves the water and dolphins as well as whales and she is part mermaid. She is lord of the sirens. No one can resist her song because it is not to be messed with and is a fierce defender if provoked. Her piwanikkah is the kanakane (trident). She also can control the weather or should we say move at one with it and convince it. She is a passionate lover. It is said that no one but Sahmauhay loves more than her. She likes all things to their fullest. If there is no feeling behind things she is not there. She is the embodiment of emotion. Songs support her and give her life. The dolphin is her emblem.



Water Imbalance: Cold and disconnected. Dry in personality and humor. Blindly Rigorous in routine whether it serves the individual or not. Locked into unhealthy patters without question of them. Boredom with life. Actions that reflect thought, energy, action as opposed to thought, energy, emotion, action. These are actions that can have undesirable effects for all involved. Being or working with things that harm others but happing little sensitivity to its effects. Lack of enjoyment in all things like food, sec, recreation, etc., practicing without true progression. Sorting the good from the bad but in a way that is disconnected and therefore not a good judge of ‘good or bad.’

Fire Imbalance: Addictive personality. Lost in passion and feeling. Starting new projects yet never finishing. No staying power on things or perseverance to see them through. Loss of balance in relationships (either giving or taking too much). Belligerence in action suffering in consequence. Disregard for logic or sensible behavior. Stark differences in appearance. Long lasting relationships hard to maintain. Greed. Need for unnecessary things. Desirous of praise and recognition. Lack of humility. Self serving attitudes and actions. Unaware of life direction. Uncomfortable with stillness.

Fire in Water (Balanced): Calm passion is felt at most of the time. Bana Kuma is very emotive or brings potent feelings out in others. Spirited artistry. Balance with foods, substances and social events. Case for all things in moderation. Slandering and back talking non existent in everyday life. Notable attention from appreciators and witnesses. Humility and immense power simultaneously. Smooth and gentle gestures. Grace and nobility. Deep feeling and experience of even the ‘small things’ in life. Every moment lived to its fullest. Very full and fulfilling life by being fed by others and Bana Kuma that has been attracted to the balanced sah u le charge. Never to serious or over anxious.


Original Prayer / Intention

Definition: Original Prayer / Intention

Element: Water

Balancing Element: Earth

Gender: Male

Power: Purity | Master Healer

Environment: Rivers & Waterfalls | Running Water Springs

Dress: Simple, Loose-Fitting Clothes or Robes that are Very Clean and Neat

Colors: Rich Blue

Month: April

Piwanikkah: Fresh Water Fish

Kayulah: Staff and Plants

Kiniwah: Hiamatwehaum


Character Description

Shiniwa is a young man. He has done no sin. He is pure and clean. He is celibate although many women desire him. He has never harmed anything nor ever will. His sole purpose is to live from his higher self. He is not a fighter and only holds cleansing herbs as his piwanikkah. He is compassionate and loving and very quiet like Hinimawe, who some say is his mother. He is lover of the water and spends most of his time there. He enjoys the essence of its purity. He also is a lover of song, but whereas Sah U Le loves many different types of songs, he only has time for those that heal and bring light. He is a purest; a monk of sorts, but one that still interacts with people. He is a vegetarian and lover of animals. He prides himself on never harming even an insect and asks every plant that he eats for its life before taking it. He is a good dancer, not for the passion of his dance but for the goodness it resembles. There is no other like him and all seek him out when needing to be cleansed. A prayer from him combined with one’s own is a force that will be manifest. His voice is pure and true and has a quality that all like to hear when he speaks. He is humble and wise and not afraid to speak out when things are against what he feels is right. He is a friend of all even those who were once his enemies. He is the embodiment of forgiveness and acceptance for as he himself is pure he sees the purity in all beings, even mosquitos. He holds no grudges ever. He would rather die than hurt his assailant; something he has been very criticized for but something that never did him disservice. Not even the most fearsome warrior would take his life because there is something in Shiniwa that calls to the deeper and more pure part of all of us. His cloth is white and he wears a white sheet with blue markings. He is revered by all. Again, the white sheet is all that he wears. No shoes. His face is often painted white as well. He is love embodied. His power is in nullifying the negativity that afflicts people and creates disease. All people with problems visit him and he quick to serve all. He assists people to leave and wash away those negative thoughts that are causing pain and sickness. Water is his greater medicine but he also has vast knowledge of all plants and mineral medicines. He is a renowned healer among the Kala Naka. There is none that he cannot heal so long as the surrender to his essence. Plants are his kayula.



Fire Imbalance: Confusion. Sickness, disease. Languishing in circles. Laughter at things that are hurtful to others. Unable to find one’s path or most fulfilling destiny. Being lost. Doing or being involved in things that do not serve one or make one happy. Mistaking bodily pleasures for true sah or high vibrational being. Being amused at things that hurt or are not good for the earth and/or others. Lack of compassion or sensitivity. Angry or violent feelings and thoughts.

Water Imbalance: Over righteous or having a tendency to look down upon others. Believing you are always right. Disassociation with others and the environment around you. Unable to work in groups. Dismissive of other ideas besides your own. Halting or stopping the learning process. Disassociating with anything considered to be imperfect. Narrow-minded. Judgmental.

Fire in Water (Balanced): Good health. Happiness sustained by sah or general life vibration. Clear vision emotionally and mentally. Being and doing things that are fulfilling. Being on one’s path or following that which excites one. True love for all without judgement of their misgivings or imperfections. Bana Kuma loved by others. Loved by others in general. Natural leadership abilities. Clear vision and intention for actions. Beauty and vibrancy. Attractiveness and ability to attract more positive things by law of attraction. Loss of inner struggle or mind fighting.