Bana Kuma Wisdom


The Earth Tribe

Structure | Alignment | Grounding | Foundation | Physicality | Focus | Culmination

The earth, in its deepest representation, is all the other three elements manifested in balance. Final action. Creation. A spoken word. Manifestation into reality. Consolidated vibration. Love that an be touched and felt. The physical as opposed to its opposite: air, which is more ethereal. Density. The result. Solidity. The finalization of one Bana Kuma and the beginning of another (as will be explained later with Hiamatwehaum). It is all that you physically see, touch, and hear around you that is the Earth element of someone else’s Bana Kuma or the Bana Kuma of the creator itself. It represents the bone, muscle and tendons of the human body as well as the vocal cords, mouth and the sexual organs or reproductive system.

The Earth element, in its highest state, will be an extremely strong representation of the other three elements in perfect harmony and manifested into a dense enough vibration that can be heard, seen, touched and felt. For now, suffice to say that earth is what holds your realm together. It is fine matter converted into dense matter. This dense matter has a very important place in the universe. It sends a very strong signal that is important to the rest of creation. This is one of the reasons that your chosen station here on physical earth now is so revered and why the process of Bana Kuma is so venerated by those who can see it for what it is.

It is a powerful honor to be able to complete the process of Bana Kuma and have the final creation manifested in the Earth element or dense matter realm. You will notice that all things on your planet have within them, to varying degrees, influences of the other three elements. They are the consummation, completion and conclusion of Bana Kuma.

Earth in its positive state is grounded, nurturing and well structured while its negative state can be sedate, lethargic and rigid.


Contour / Law of Attraction

Definition: Contour or Vessel of Spirit

Element: Earth

Balancing Element: Fire

Gender: Female

Power: Law of Attraction and Manifestations of Renowned Beauty

Environment: Lush, Warm

Dress: Natural Fibers

Colors: Plant or Dark Green | Earth Tones

Month: October

Piwanikkah: Rope or Whip | Traps & Snares

Kayulah: Dog

Kiniwah: Nikkah


Character Description

Yakina is a woman. Very simple. Not flamboyant nor a beggar like Nikua. She is balanced in all things. She is not physically beautiful. She is not physically ugly. She can attract whatever she likes and amplify whatever she sets her mind to. She has a deeper understanding of universal and earthly natural laws and the deepest understanding of the law of attraction. She understands that universal energy follows physical energetic contours. She is an admired manifester who maintains an abundance of true wealth.

Her piwanikkah is a rope because she can capture energy. She is jealous in a fun way of Hinimawe’s bowl. Why? Because if you see water falling into the bowl, swirling around and then shooting out from the spout, you can see a metaphor for the physical amplifying sah. In the image of Hinimawe, her bowl Is blessed and is amplifying the water which can be seen as sah.

Yakina wears fabrics of many but mostly those of earth tones as she is guided by the physical laws of the earth. She loves plant or dark green. She is a master of wearing clothing that creates a certain vibration that affects those who see her dress. She chooses to live mostly in lush environments like jungles or other warm, green places with much plant life. Plants and trees are her teachers as perfect contours or vessels for sah.


Her kayula is the dog. The dog can be vicious and mean, but also kind and loving. She too can be all of these things. Everything she does is beautiful and powerful. She can create anything and all things. She is good at all things. She is also a renowned healer and has knowledge of all plants and how they amplify sah and therefore healing. She does all things in moderation, even moderation.



Fire Imbalance: Control of things instead of allowing. Force instead of power. Obsessive compulsive behavior. Over expectations of things and outcomes. Loss of power mitigated by aggressive control. Tension, uptightness. Stress. Fear. Dangerous ambition. Over aggressive behavior.

Water Imbalance: Lethargy. Weakness and flaccidity. Non effort. Lack of emotion. Lack of passion. Fatigue. Dull. Lack of excitement. Capping off before its done.

Fire in Water (Balanced): Confidence. Manifesting greatness all around oneself. Calm and relaxed yet very powerful. Energetic but not overbearing. Peacefulness with a strong active charge. Love imbuing all actions. Vivid imaginings. Blessings abound. Balanced and letting the greater force work through one. Attractive personality. Success in whatever one desires.


Harmonious Creation 

Definition: Harmony Between the Elements | The Inspiration for all Bana Kuma

Element: Earth

Balancing Element: Water

Gender: Male

Power: Earth Authority and Ability to Blend in and Become One with Nature

Environment: Landscape

Dress: Creative Dress that Uses All Things Found and Resembling Nature

Colors: Brown and Soil tones

Month: August

Piwanikkah: Carved Club

Kayulah: All Mammals

Kiniwah: Shiniwa


Character Description

A nose like a rock. Trees for arms. He is a spirit that finds itself taking the forms of things in nature. When you see a mountain or a landscape and you see a being within it, that is Hiamatwehaum. He lives in nature. He is nature. He is of the earth. Artists who render natural landscapes or trees with faint images of humans inside of their art have rendered an aspect of Hiamatwehaum. Nature is the purest expression of Hiamatwehaum so he desires himself to be seen within it. Like most of the star ancestors, he can shape shift, but he prefers to meld into things and be one with nature. When he is not doing this, he is but a clear spirit. His piwanikkah is a rock or club. His kayula a tree and all mammals.

He is creation that matches the genius of nature or the Hiamatwehaum of the Creator itself as seen in nature. He prefers brown and soil tones and wears creative dress that uses all things found and resembling nature. The dress of indigenous peoples who use natural materials for dress would be the dress of Hiamatwehaum. He has the greatest authority over all other Kala Naka in matters of what can and what cannot be done on earth. He is considered to be the one most of this place and therefore nothing can be done to the earth by the other eleven without his permission. He is the spokesperson for the earth itself. He melds into landscape and can disappear; therefore he is impossible to fight. Destroy him and you destroy yourself.



Fire Imbalance: Creations are destructive and have bad outcomes for earth, animals and humans. Creations reflect a lack of or non sensitivity to source-based hinimawe. Creations have no sensitivity to natural contours or laws. Creations cause stress, sickness and are unsustainable. Low technological weapons of war are good examples or chemicals that hurt the earth and make people sick.

Water Imbalance: Creations may use universal laws and be in line with source but do not account for vibratory level of beings around the creation. For example genetic engineering follows the laws of creation but does not always have sensitivity for those around it. High tech solutions that use source power but do not serve or remain in balance with source manifested in nature and other life forms.

Fire in Water (Balanced): Creations serve humanity, the earth and all of its beings. Creations look and feel aesthetically beautiful. Creations are inspiring of further creations. Creations raise vibratory experience.



Definition: Gratitude

Element: Earth

Balancing Element: Air

Gender: Androgynous

Power: Generosity | Amplification of What She Appreciates | Loved by All

Environment: Homeless and Happy Everywhere | Loves Trees

Dress: Rags

Colors: Dirty

Month: September

Piwanikkah: Her Hand and A Stone | Slingshot

Kayulah: Horse | Dove

Kiniwah: Sahmauhay


Character Description

Nikuah is an archetype who is very homely. Nikuah is a beggar who has nothing. Owns nothing. Nikuah lives never knowing where the next meal will come from, but is full of love and gratitude. This gratitude brings all that Nikuah needs. All that Nikuah wants, Nikuah has. Others may judge and feel that Nikuah should want more, but Nikuah sees beyond all of that and is thankful for what Nikua has even though it is judged as less than what others have. Nikauh is the happiest of all the Kala Naka and is a light unto the world.

By the power of Nikuah’s appreciation, Nikuah can manifest all that Nikuah wants. Nikuah is almost never sad and only has just what is needed in that moment and nothing more. Nikua is very skinny and even dirty but thankful for the dirt that covers the body. Shiniwa is often disgusted by her, but Nikuah is just thankful for his perspective. Nikuah has no enemies otherwise and is loved by all. Nikuah’s piwanikkah is Nikuah’s own hand. Nikuah’s kayula: the dove and the horse. Nikuah is old and frail and has been depicted as a leper or even missing limbs but happy with the limbs that are left and the health possessed. Nikuah has no spouse or children but appreciates spouses and children. Nikuah is the most generous of all the Kala Naka. Nikuah is a master of appreciation.



Water Imbalance: Listless. Uninspired. Unappreciative or never satisfied with the blessings in ones life. One may be driven but not usually satisfied or gratified for a very short time once something is gained or “achieved”. Restlessness and lack of stillness. Inability to feel deeply outside stimulus. Turmoil and anxiousness.

Fire Imbalance: A state of complete disconnect in which nothing is done or shared due to total appreciation of nothing. Very hard to achieve a fire imbalance in the Nikuah state of Bana Kuma.

Fire in Water (Balanced): Very happy person. Not dependent on wealth material or certain relationships for happiness but appreciative of all things. Although wealth is of little importance people may have an overabundance and much to share since the law of attraction brings them more of what they are appreciative of.