Bana Kuma Wisdom

The Elements & Contours

The Elements & Contours

Bana Kuma is a journey from fine to dense matter. From the unseen to the seen. From the spirit into the physical. From a thought to a word. From an idea into a thing. 

This journey is also an elemental process. The four elements of Air, Fire, Water and Earth (and all that they represent) have been used for centuries to guide our experience as spirits in the physically incarnate world. These metaphorical “navigation tools” work together to create the ingenious tapestry that we live in. Watching them in nature and understanding their relationships helps us to understand how they work in us, and the world we live in. 

The four elements guide our spirits in the realm of the physical. We are not physical beings learning to be spiritual, but rather spiritual or expansive beings learning how to navigate within the limitations of physical reality. It is your task to expand the physical you with the spiritual you, not to throw the physical experience away in favor of being only spiritual.

In the same way that air feeds fire in the physical world, our minds (corresponding with Air) feed our spirits, our energy, and our hearts (corresponding with Fire). The degree of heat and energy that we generate has a strong effect on our emotions (corresponding with Water). Thus, our Air fuels the Fire in our beings, which affects the Water surrounding it within our bodies. This Fire in our Water creates emotions and feelings that move us to create or manifest in the physical or Earth realm. Once something has reached the manifestation phase, it inspires new thought and the whole process begins over again.

The connection between elements is seen as a channel for energy, or “contour”. These contours are of the Spiritual, Emotional and Physical (see diagram). The phase between Earth and Air is of utmost importance, and is considered to be the spiritual side of creation that we experience most fluidly when we die. The physical contour between Air and Earth, however, is the one that requires our strongest attention and mastery now. 

All things follow this creative process in the physical realm, as it too was given its form by the interactions between the elements. The immense power of source energy that we know as the creator manifested the Earth herself through the elemental process of  sacred altering. In this way, the Earth’s natural world is, then, the greatest living example and teacher of Bana Kuma. If our science, art, advanced technology and culture could emulate the harmony, beauty and balance in nature, the world we live in would be a very different place. The Bana Kuma of the human race would then match that of planet Earth. 

The following analogy exemplifies the intention of these offerings. Imagine that your body is a horse, your spirit is its rider, and the elements are your guides in the knowledge as to how your horse lives. Many people are led to undesirable and dark places by lost horses. The content of this book serves as a riding lesson. It offers navigational skills, and even suggests that your horse has wings that can take you wherever you would like to go. These skills are essential to understanding the inner workings of the physical, or elemental, realm. 

Fire in the Water

One of the most - if not the most - numinous symbol of the Bana Kuma is fire in the water. These two being the hardest elements to bring into balance. One of the greatest symbols of fire in the water is you! Your heart or spirit being a fire that is encased in your body which is mostly water. This symbolizes a balance and an ability to coexist between these two elements. Proverbially, it is the harmony or disharmony of these two elements that creates the general reality that you experience on earth. Air and fire may get as carried away as they want but it is water who tames and balances them before they become physical or that of the Earth element.

For the past age, it would seem that Fire (the masculine) has been overpowering Water (the feminine). In this new time and age, we believe that you have the power and potential to finally bring these two elements into balance, and in so doing, heal humanity of its gross injustices and bring vitality back to the earth and its beings.

The intention of this work is to offer assistance in your creation process of sacredly altering source energy into manifestations that - like your earth - are balanced, powerful and beautiful. The greatest part of the adventure in your journey may be to balance the elements of Fire and Water and all that they represent. 

Your guides in the realm of Bana Kuma are the four elements and The Twelve as described in greater detail in the following pages. The four elements draw you back into the language of nature and how this language relates to you. The Twelve are pillars of practical wisdom that are represented in song, dance, story, mythological characters, proverbs, art and ceremony. 

The four elements and The Twelve, then, are not just concepts to be pondered by the mind, but things that can be sung, felt, seen, heard, played and touched. 

With this in mind, The following are the elements and how we see them relating to you and your reality; the reality that you are creators of in this wondrous realm of dense matter.

The Four Elements