Bana Kuma Wisdom


The Fire Tribe

Passion | Energy | Activation | Strength | Aggressiveness | Movement | Power

Heat. Individuality. Hard intellect. The giving of power to something. The course of action. Strength. Masculinity. Technology. Fierceness. War. Warmth at the hearth. Transformation. Change.

Fire has to do with the heart and the cardiovascular system. Fire makes all the other elements work. What would your planet be without the sun? What would your body be without its heart? In the process of Bana Kuma, it is the Fire element that transforms Air (thought) into something that can be manifested (Earth). Without Fire, ideas and thoughts would not be able to be altered or morphed into reality. It gives thought the required energy to become manifest in the physical. You can have all the other elements in place on your planet, but without the sun, not one seed could sprout. Is it not true that planets revolve around suns?

As you will see later it is hard for those of the Fire element to maintain their egos at healthy levels. Easy to get a power trip when you feel you are so important. This leads us to our next and very most important point on the subject of Fire: a very important symbol for Bana Kuma is fire in the water. Fire in water represents the balance between the two elements.

In these offerings, we are most concerned with the part of your history that began or took shape around twelve thousand years ago and ends around now. We call this age the “Fire Age” because during this age the overall ruler was Fire and still is to this day. This is a gross generalization but one that is necessary to get our point across. It is one of the explanations for the rule of war, massive expansion of technology as well as much of the suffering, greed, fear and pain that has occurred. 

Yes, fire is an awesome force in the pantheon of elements. All hold it in awe, but if or when it is not kept in balance, the entire earth as you know it could be burnt to ashes. Could not a nuclear war do this? Could not the earth shifting in its proximity to the sun do this? Hence our emphasis being in these offerings the essential need for fire to be kept in balance. What is the best element to keep Fire in balance?

Fire expressed positively is passionate, exciting and creative. Its negative side, Angry, impatient and violent.


Bigger Self

Definition: Energy of Expansive Self

Element: Fire

Balancing Element: Water

Gender: Female

Power: Illusive | Undefeatable

Environment: Volcanoes | Low Elevation Caves

Dress: Extravagant | Imaginative

Colors: Yellow | Light Orange

Month: May

Piwanikkah: Bow & Arrow

Kayulah: Large Cats of Prey

Kiniwah: Utanatu


Character Description

She is female, the one female in the triad of the Fire Kala Naka. She represents the self outside of the skin. The energy of expansive self. The greater power that all can tap into. The power of one’s more expansive being. The greater soul. Using a force greater than the physical self. The possessor of all wisdom and lessons of past lives. 

Patron of martial arts, athletes and dancers. She is expansive and often seen as giant flames in the shape of a body. You could see a person and then see their ziassou as a flame body four times the size of their own physical body. She does not speak much; she does not need to. Her presence is all that needs to be said. She is quick and furious; not to be played with or crossed. All watch their step and their words in front of her. She is a master dancer, fighter and acrobat. She has no time for nonsense. She can also love furiously. All things she does are done with eminent power. She has no time for trite. She is not a good listener like Hinimawe; they can be seen as opposites. She does not question herself. She knows that all is within her and that she is within all. She is fearless. She knows that nothing can change sah. Her fire is fueled by sah. She can be in romantic love or out of it; that is not the most important thing to her. She loves herself. She is self-love; which can be mistaken for narcissism, but that is not it. She simply knows the power that she is and that is unshakable. She never tells a lie; she never has to.

A flaming bow (symbolizing bigger self) and arrow (symbolizing the physical being) is her piwanikkah (An object of perceived power that a physical being care takes for the spirit realm. The panther is her kayulah. She wears yellow and light orange colors with extravagant regalia. She wears the most imaginative of adornments. Her dress expresses the greater essence of being. She is a master dance, acrobat and martial arts practitioner.

All Bana Kuma from Ziassou has another worldly feeling. She is illusive and unable to be captured or harmed. She is untouchable.



Water Imbalance: Lack of courage or ruled by fear. Led by small perspective rather than larger view. Weakness and no desire to stand up for what is right. Blindly following or looking to others for guidance. Loss of self-direction. Confused by others’ opinions or over influenced by them. Timidness instead of humbleness. Saying, “yes” to others when you want to say “no”. Inability to make things happen. Feeling of powerlessness.

 Fire Imbalance: Too focused on the spiritual and forgetting that you are incarnated in the physical to learn in this realm. Become disassociated with reality on the physical plane. Out of touch with what is the lesson in this life. Ineffective in daily living. Unable to relate to others. Out of touch. Lost in knowledge that may have no practical use for your current journey. Becoming drunk or belligerent with one’s own power. Can cause recklessness and sense of being indestructible. Can lead to unnecessary violence and injury.

Fire In Water (Balanced): Un-defeatable strength in all actions. Strong inner guidance. Feeling of letting go and having a greater power move through you. Sense of effortlessness. Strong sensations of what is right and wrong for you. Surprise yourself and others with your abilities. Achieving beyond what you or others thought was possible. Knowing that all is possible. Strength beyond what you are normally capable of (mentally, emotionally and physically). Ability to see things from a greater or expanded place. Thoughts and Ideas flow easily and from beyond normal realms of consciousness. Strong Influence from realms beyond your physical boundaries. Communication with a you that is more connected to source. More connected to those in other realms.


Cause to Occur 

Definition: Cause to occur

Element: Fire

Balancing Element: Air

Gender: Male

Power: Unlimited Strength 

Environment: Deserts | Dry Heat

Dress: Masculine | Tailored | Conservative

Colors: Flame Orange | Blood Red

Month: June

Piwanikkah: Rod with Spiked Ball | Spear

Kayulah: Bull | Centaur

Kiniwah: Sah U Le


Character Description

Kiyah is the stirrer. He is the flame or spark that cause transformation to occur. Kiyah represents the power of being a catalyst. Courage. Strength. Determination. Physical strength. Power. Intelligence. Leadership. Able to create massive Bana Kuma. Energy and ability to make influential actions.

Like the sun provides energy to the world and makes all things to move and grow, so does Kiyah. He is often called “The Little Sun” because everywhere he goes, he has the same effect as the sun. The sun can burn and the sun can give warmth. Kiyah is fierce but also very warm at times. His piwanikkah is the kalenta (a rod with a spiked ball on top of it). He is the essence of action, movement. He is a master of dance and his instrument is the drum. His energy is charismatic and contagious. He is also called the beginning because he is known as the initiator. If something is going on, be it bad or good, if Kiyah is there, it is most likely that he started it. He and Sah U Le make a fearsome couple, but when in harmony they resemble the best the world has to offer. Many things could be said about the lessons in their relationship but that is not for now.
He is not an impressive singer, but an amazing dance and drummer. He is a fearless warrior and is known to start fights because he knows he will win. He is fearless of even those of greater power than him. Talk does not come well to him. He is a man of simple and firm words. He can be very nurturing and caring and is an outstanding father. If Utanatu has many eyes, Kiyah has one. He sees things very directly and simply. He does not get confused or wrapped up in ideas as the Air beings might. He is direct and to the point. He is wise and maintains impressive control over his anger. His joy is also massive and as warm as the sun. He is passionate like Sah U Le, but in a masculine way. He loves meat and feasts and a good party. He has no time for laziness or over-deliberation of anything. He is all about action and starting things. Although he doesn’t finish everything he starts, he starts enough that even if half of what he starts is finished, it is more than most. Red is his color and he wears a crown. The bull is his kayula.



Water Imbalance: Much fear. Hesitant to try new things. Trepidation. Negative imagination. Procrastination. Imagining the worst rather than the best possible outcomes. Lack of clarity. Laziness. Lethargy. Insecurity and self doubt.

Fire Imbalance: To quick to act without feeling or taming actions with water element. Harmful to one’s health and body. Outcomes which do not last. Quick to rise quick to fall. Inconsiderate of others and environment. Not listening or inability to hear well. Narrow mindedness. Violent. Angry and impatient. Sarcastic and critical of others. Quick to burn out or loose energy. Loss of stamina in various areas of life. 

Fire in Water (Balanced): Inspiring to others. Leadership roles easily taken but not obsessed over. Surrounded by many amazing manifestations. New ideas and ways easily accepted and acted upon. Large sums of wealth able to be manifested but not obsessed over. Energetic and able to start and maintain projects or goals. Fun and desirable to be around. Exciting and exuberant. Loving and passionate. Cost of living and sharing come easily. 


Self Sovereignty

Definition: Self Sovereignty

Element: Fire

Balancing Element: Earth

Gender: Male

Power: Cannot be Violated or Defeated 

Environment: Low Elevation Rock Outcroppings

Dress: Varies by Mood | Simple

Colors: Rust | Maroon | Dark Red | Brown-Orange

Month: July

Piwanikkah: Bear in N. Hemisphere | Gorilla in S. Hemisphere

Kayulah: Sword

Kiniwah: Yakina


Character Description

Solid, rock strength. Much more of a listener than Ziassou but unmovable when he does not want to be moved. He is not violent; he does not fight. He feels all but also listens to himself most intensely and acts from a place of knowing. Nikkah never blames and knowns that all is his creation around him. He is all accepting of others and lets all be around him but never cross him in a way that you would take his freedom away. The consequences would be dire. He lives very simply. Dresses very simply and has a very small house. He does not have much and can be seen as a beggar at times although he does not beg. He lives with very little. He does this as he knows that his actions may affect the Nikkah of others so he remains respectful of others’ sovereignty as he does of his own. He is very calm and the least flamboyant of the Fire Kala Naka. He straddles between the Earth element and some wonder if he shouldn’t be placed there but once he is challenged in his self-sovereignty the Fire quickly comes to the surface.



Water Imbalance: One who is controlled by the opinions of others more than their own ideas of self. Being led incessantly. Low self-worth. No self-esteem. Lack of will and drive. Fearful of others, fearful of life. Absent minded. Colloquial obligings. Solid foundations found in the ways of others but none for the self. Weak disposition. Need not talk negatively of others. Enjoyers of gossip. Seek love from others for self worth.

Fire Imbalance: Over-ambitious and bulldozing with no care for others or effects. Unable to hear criticism from others that may assist one in seeing something that cannot be seen from the individual’s perspective. (Note: It is not that self-sovereignty is the art of not listening to others, no. It is the art of not being controlled or led by others. Hearing the critiques of others at times can be very helpful towards self-development and making nikkah in the self stronger). Causing unnecessary pain in others due to insensitive actions. Action before thought. Stubbornness. Lack of listening. Inability to change.

Fire in Water (Balanced): Strong continence but also able to listen and be sensitive at the same time. Clear ability to sense and known from others if their criticisms or opinions are from their own disfunction or from love for you. Success. Feeling of contentment. Love of the self without over aggrandizement of self. Loss of ego. Generally very happy. Not easily swayed to the opinions of others. Knowing what feels right for oneself. Cost of blind following be-missed. Strength of character. Works well with others and longevity in projects with others (people who follow are more emotionally volatile and therefore not prone to lasting long term with things).