Bana Kuma Wisdom

The Beginnings…

About Bana Kuma

You are a sacred being that has the power to transform thought into manifestation. By revering and understanding this power, you can master your reality and manifest all that you desire.

Bana Kuma (literally translating to Sacred Altering) is a numinous term reserved for humans on planet earth who exist during this age. It is a venerated station to hold in the procession of the universe. This life is a chance to enact the sacred art of Bana Kuma and create heaven on Earth. 

With every thought that becomes a word, action, or physical manifestation, you are enacting your greatest gift as a human: your power to alter energy and matter from one form to another (from thought to three-dimensional reality). This follows the idea that energy or vibration is never created or destroyed - only altered. When you create, you are thus altering source energy and matter and giving it new form. This creative process, in the spirit of Bana Kuma, deserves the highest reverence.

It is said that there are two types of people: Those who utilize their venerated altering powers (known as UBanaKuma), and those who do not (known as UKuma). So, whether or not you are altering energy is not in question. Rather, it is a question of whether you appreciate the miracle of this process and how its power may be exploited to shape your reality.

Bana Kuma is an experience - a journey led by wonder and rewarded at every step with the enhancement of your power to create. This book is an exciting collection of offerings in the form of wisdom, art, mythology, and music to empower your Bana Kuma! 

The two intentions for these offerings of thought, music, story and art are: 

#1: To inspire you to realize your birthright as a great creator. 

#2: To inspire you to refine your creative process. 

We believe that in doing so we may create a balanced and harmonious world – one that the ‘long agos’ call Alithalahemé (meaning “Heaven on Earth”).


I was led to these offerings after living among the Shona people of Zimbabwe for many years. During this time, I came across the legend of a man named Sekuru Munya who reportedly died at the age of ten, but who arose from his coffin during burial and disappeared into the forest. Years later he returned to his village with the ability to assist others in talking and meeting with their ancestors.

An apprentice of Sekuru Munya approached me with the request for a meeting to review an important message from my ancestors. Though skeptical, I was always up for an adventure and wanted to meet the legendary Munya. Though I am not at liberty to divulge the details, I learnt to appreciate the great power of his discovery. Suffice to

say, what happened on that adventure turned my reality upside down and completely changed me forever.

What I can tell you is that I met members of the original tribes from twelve thousand years ago, and was given two tasks: To translate what was being shared with me from the other realms, and to bring this mythology and wisdom to life. In other words, I was asked to enact and contribute my personal Bana Kuma.


(Affectionately Known As Ha-Ha)

This book, then, represents my Bana Kuma and was made possible in large part by a being who prefers to be referred to as “Ha-Ha”. Ha-Ha was one of the people I met at Sekuru Munya's, and is understood to be a direct ancestor of mine.

Ha-Ha has explained that he was alive during the "original age" twelve thousand years ago, and was a ceremony maker who had special power with water. He was called a blue medicine carrier not only because he worked with the healing properties of water, but because he was a descendant of a ‘blue star.’ He as well as others in his community had extremely long life spans and enjoyed a very magical time on planet earth. Many fascinating stories have been shared by him about how life was back in the time of the ‘Long Agos’.

Ha-Ha is always jovial, but very direct at the same time. He loves to laugh and make lots of jokes but also never beats around the bush when trying to get a point across. The result is that some of these offerings may sound harsh or even judgmental at times, but I must stress here that there is not an ounce of judgement in him. Rather, his statements are very matter-of-fact and imply neither bad nor good. To Ha-Ha, life is all about free choice and there are no wrong choices - only ones that bring desired or undesired results. As Ha-Ha says, “Life just consists of circles in circles around circles, and no one is above or below another in this infinite universe.”

Learning the Content

It is important to me that this book be experienced on many levels, to avoid it’s being received as another dry academic approach to teaching. So, in addition to wisdom offerings, this book includes stories, art, instrument notation and suggested activities that enhance one’s Bana Kuma. This book is also accompanied by multi media 

on where you can experience the dance, music and song through audio and video. 

Had this wisdom been subjected to thousands of years of translation, the essence of these offerings may have gotten corrupted. The concept of self sovereignty (essential to Bana Kuma) would be destroyed if this wisdom was allowed to be turned into a religion. For this reason, the knowledge here has been protected so that it could be used when it was most needed. That time is now! 

Although the music and dance of Bana Kuma is not from any one particular culture, it is heavily influenced by the music and dance of Africa. This was not an accident. Not only did I spend much of my adult life in Africa, but it was the African race that was the first  of the four seeded tribes and the music of that continent still possesses an ancient  power that calls one back to one’s origins and awakens one’s DNA (intelligent matter).  The music also possesses a sacred geometry - mainly 2 united with 3 - which has many healing properties.