Bana Kuma Wisdom


The Air Tribe

The Infinite | Wonder | Limitlessness | Imagination | Belief | Perspective | Mind

The process of Bana Kuma all beings with thought. The mind and thought are associated with the element of Air. Air is all things that have to do with the brain, lungs and the nervous system. It is a massive and powerful force (essence). It is the captain; the ruler, per say, of oneself. Nothing comes but through the gates of the mind first. It is the beginning (if there could be one). Ideas are what start anything in motion. Everything you see around you was first an idea. All actions that you make, whether conscious or unconscious, are of the mind and begin there. It is the seeding point. Know your realm of Air and you have just begun on a very masterful journey into the physical.  

If all things are nothing but the vibration of their intention, then thought is where this intention is created. It is hard to have a thought with one intention and then expect to see the manifestation of that thought or idea be the opposite of its original essence. It is likely that the final manifestation of an idea will maintain its original intention or energetic signature. This is why the Air part of the Bana Kuma process is so crucial. It decides what the Bana Kuma will manifest. It decides on the texture or essence of the creation and it is the essence of anything created that matters.

Have you not heard or can you not imagine someone saying in a joking way, “I hate you”? The word says hate but the intention inside of the word, the word’s essence, was actually love so the word’s definition meant nothing in the moment that it was spoken affectionately. The true content of the word was love or joking affection. That love or joking affection was what created in Air part of the process of that word’s Bana Kuma. Regardless of the form that something takes, it will usually hold the essence of its conception which happened in its Air stage.

Each element can manifest in positive and negative ways. Air in its positive sense is expansive, intelligent and imaginative. In its negative manifestation it can be superfluous, meandering and dispassionate.


All is One 

Definition: Interconnected Source Energy

Element: Air

Balancing Element: Earth

Gender: Androgynous

Power: Unrestrained Mind

Environment: Northern Mountains

Dress: Non-Restricting Robes

Colors: White and Light Yellows

Month: December

Piwanikkah: Golden or Metallic Ball

Kayulah: Eagle or being encompassing many beings

Kiniwah: Nikua


Character Description

As a being of the universe, all is possible for Sahmauhay. Sahmauhay, as an archetype, would not be of a dimension that could be seen by the physical eye and if it was, it would be rare and mysterious. Sahmauhay would be hard to understand and not something that could be grasped. Sahmauhay is unconcerned with little details or trivial matters. There is nothing that could pin Sahmauhay down. Sahmauhay would not be commanded or follow any rules. Sahmauhay’s presence would be felt more than seen. There would be many legends and names referring to it because what and who could put a finger on what Sahmauhay is or what it looks like. All could be right and all could be wrong. Sahmauhay could be whatever it / they / he / she wants to be. We may depict Sahmauhay as a mandala or a spider’s web instead of a being. Sahmauhay’s kayula (a being of significant affinity) would be an eagle, or a being that encompassed several beings, or a being with many heads or limbs. For the sake of these offerings, we have depicted Sahmauhay as the eagle.



Water Imbalance: Selfishness. Greed and isolation-based thoughts and actions. Limited perspective. Blindness to larger situation or reality. Softness gone. Fear driven actions. Theft or other crimes acted out against others. Over protective. Disdain for others. Racism, classism, nationalism as opposed to unity consciousness.

Fire Imbalance: Symptoms: Aloof, non-active, disconcerting. Ethereal. Unaware of bodily needs or functions. Impervious to outside stimuli. Over-detachment to the point of loss of compassion. Calculated action without heed to outcome.

Fire in Water (Balance): Over reaching perspective balanced by being in the now and present where ever one is. Care and compassion for all and care for self. Knowing the balance and needs of self and those of others. Acting from love not fear. Careful consciousness of both small and grand scale of things. Serving others but not serving the unbalanced side of them. Instigating and living by example the balance of needs and givings. Able to see all perspectives and have understanding of them from place of grand perspective. Feelings of deep compassion mixed with knowing of infinite perspective. Living by the saying, “This too shall pass,” and loving it while it is here.


Wondrous Now 

Definition: Everlasting, Infinite Now

Element: Air

Balancing Element: Water

Gender: Female

Power: Shapeshifter | Perfect Balance

Environment: Tundra

Dress: Precisely Tailored | Non-Suggestive

Colors: Gray | Light Purple | Magenta

Month: January

Piwanikkah: Thin Metal Staff (that can turn into a serpent)

Kayulah: Snake | Winged Serpent | Dragon

Kiniwah: Hinimawe


Character Description

SahiSah is sad because no one knows her. Your world is one that has largely forgotten the now for the time being. Your world is currently a world still filled with limitation instead of infinity. You are affectionately called by us ‘the masters of limitation,’ so SahiSah feels out of place in your current reality.

It would make SahiSah happy if everyone forgot their worries. Usually there are very few worries in the now. Her music and art should be very care free. How can one go wrong in infinity? The energy will just be transformed someday anyway. No care for tomorrow or the past. 

SahiSah is the serpent that eats its own tail regenerating itself and subsisting on itself. It never stops eating itself and it never dies, instead carries on and on. It is not dependent upon anything else. It does not know death and is fearless. It has. No self consciousness at all and acts from its now desire at all times.

In ceremony, when SahiSah is depicted in a mask dance, she enters as if she is depressed or sad. It is then the musicians’ or other dancers’ job to demonstrate joy and being in the now to her. Once she begins to see this, her spirits are perked and she can begin to dance.



Water Imbalance: Regret over past. Fear of future. Beleaguered mind. Worrying about problems all the time; problems that are not in reality or are mere theories. Restlessness. Easily agitated. Unable to focus. Wandering mind. Need to have everything understood and in control. Limited by past and what one believes is possible for future. Loss of true hearing or sensitive feeling. Late or over-concerned with time. Starting from scratch constantly. Belittlement of things. Negation or watering down of amazing occurrences. Lack of wonder. Limits replace possibility. Very common in today’s world.

Fire Imbalance: Disconnected with the work at hand. Excessively ethereal. Unable to translate Bana Kuma to the present situation that is girded in time. Overwhelmed by wonder instead of guided by it. Loss of sanity. Loss of grounded-ness. Behaving rudely or inconsiderately. Refusal to follow any rule. Not respecting self-sovereignty of others. Loss of personal boundaries and physical attributes concurrent with earth living.

Fire in Water (Balance): Treating each person and moment with a freshness. Not considering the past or the future but going on what feels right now. Loss of inhibition. Freedom of thought and action. Serious focus on what drives the passion in the now. Talk and speech invigorated, not boring. Loss of control of others. Spontaneity. Clear mind and actions. Amazed at the small things in life. See through the lens of wonder instead of limits or restrictions. Following dreams no matter the outcome or probability. Enjoying the journey and the process, not just the end goal. Expecting nothing and being ready for anything.


Belief Creates Reality 

Definition: Belief and Perspective

Element: Air

Balancing Element: Fire

Gender: Male

Power: Creates Any Reality

Environment: High Elevation Caves

Dress: Patches of Many Fabrics

Colors: All colors

Month: November

Piwanikkah: Spiked Ball & Chain

Kayulah: Fox | Coyote

Kiniwah: Ziassou


Character Description

Utanatu is a lover of laughter. He is a trickster who laughs at others who are stuck in misleading beliefs that lead them in circles; a jokester who is never serious at the most serious moments, but surprisingly wise and never hurtful to anyone. He may play a joke on a person, but never to hurt them, only to shake them from a belief that is not serving them.

He has no time for beauty or good looks, or staying with current fashions or what is considered acceptable at the time. He knows that beauty and fads are simply beliefs and that true beauty is beyond a perspective. His clothes are of all colors and are often made of patches from many different fabrics. His style ranges from flamboyant to humble.

His kayulah is the fox and the coyote. His element is Air. He resides largely in high elevation caves, but can adapt and be comfortable in any environment. He fits in everywhere and can easily disguise himself as whoever or whatever he wants He does not have shape shifting powers of SahiSah, but he can change his personality and dress.  

He is very peaceful and was never knowns for arguing much or fighting. Utanatu is very good at judging disputes because his perspective I very wide and open. It is said that Utanatu changed himself into the ant and was the one who played the trick on Bapuna. A seemingly cruel trick at first, but as always, Utanatu’s tricks turn out positive in the end.



Fire Imbalance: A trickster whose tricks hurt others. Out of control. Easy to slide into addictions and other self-hurting behavior as there are no boundaries. Danger of infringing on the self-sovereignty of others due to lack of limits or taking the perspective that all is okay. Impatience with others who cannot see from same perspective or frustration with a world that does not see the way you do i.e., not being able to take a wider perspective. Confusion on earth plane where certain physical laws are in place.

Water Imbalance: Locked in a certain way of seeing things. One’s way is the right way and that is all. Rigid belief systems that don’t allow for growth or change. Blind following of others’ beliefs or belief systems. Sorrowful longing for things to be all the way one wants it to be. Frustration with the world for not seeing things the way that one sees it i.e. locked in a certain parameter of perspective. Over-following of rules that may be nonsensical. Unconscious following of trends or ways of thinking. No questioning of how things are only acceptance. Stagnation. Boredom.  

Fire in Water (Balanced): Honoring the beliefs of others while maintaining an open mind to your own beliefs. Proper control and mastery of choosing what beliefs and perspectives serve you best in your current situation. Not holding on to beliefs or perspectives that do not serve you or your fellow beings. Thoughts that serve your passion without hurting others or taking away from their self-sovereignty. One who acts on perspectives which heal and help unify rather than those that separate and destroy.